Tuesday, November 24, 2009


What a journey! I really enjoyed each of the activities and look forward to exploring each of them again when I have the time. I have learnt so much and as I said at the beginning of the course: the learning curve was steep. The only problem is that I've come to the realisation that I know so little and I feel very overwhelmed about the endless possibilities that web2 has to offer. However this course has given me the confidence to approach tasks and explore what I may use to benefit my teaching. Thank you.

activity 23 and 24

Ebooks and Audiobooks. Loved this concept. I'm not one to read long novels but would love the idea of someone else doing the reading. Lazy me but can see so many benefits for students with special needs. This may help them generate interest in stories.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Activity 20 Podcasting

I found the educational podcasting site the most valuable. After exploring the first to listed I found I was sorting through alot of rubbish and found it difficult to find something of interest. I then found history podcasts and they also have a RSS feed so I can find out when new podcasts are posted. Like the Teacher tube I look forward to searching for many more podcasts I can use in the classroom.

Activity 21 Teacher Tube

Posted a video on How to make a mummy! Will be great to use with year 7 History. It is funny and gross and the boys will love it. Looking forward to finding many more videos. Can definately see me using this in the classroom. Educational and different delivery. I finally know how others have done this now. Still not sure if the Video clip is meant to come up directly on the blog or just the link.



Activity 19 Rollyo

I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Rollyo seems good, I like organising my favourites lists. I did so with the travel sites I visit all the time. Would love to create a parenting searchroll when I have more time.

Wikki Activity

Wow! At first I didn't really understand how wikkipedia was an example. When I looked through the educational wikkis I was amazed how excited I was to do this with my class. The sample school wikki was inspiring. This teacher is giving students dynamic, collaborative opportunities. I can see how students would enjoy having this opportunity. Although I will need some help getting started this is something I would love to eventually try.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Activity 17 Delicious

After spending alot of Sunday doing these activities this was favourite. I loved exploring delicious: Bookmarked 100+ google tricks to save you time at school and wow! I've been trying to tell my students that research is more than typing the question in the tool bar and getting an answer. However the more I discover through this course the more tools and opportunities available not only to my students but also for me as the teacher. All of which I had no idea about.

activity 16

Loved the tutorial from pallinet. Loved how I could take it at my own pace and gave me time to digest information. Control over the information you want to read. Receive it when and how you want.

RSS Feed

I'm surprised how easy it was to set up the feed.
But just another gadget for me to explore.
I think when I finish this course I'm going to have to sort out what I will really use the most.
This is going to change the way I look for information.

Activity 13 and 14

Facebook and Myspace!
Had recently joined facebook before I started this course and have spent alot of time exploring.
After logging on to myspace as well I think I prefer facebook. That should be no surprise as the the students in my class told me that facebook is for "old" people and myspace is for "young" people. Still a little nervous about posting somethings on facebook, I think I'm a bit too conservative and like my privacy. The best thing is catching up with people you haven't seen since school.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Through the looking Glass

Through the looking Glass
Originally uploaded by Clodders
Flickr activity! Wow I did it.
I loved exploring all the photos on flickr.
It took me a while connect to my blog but I'm amazed I did it.
I loved the six step model to explain Flickr. It was simple and straight forward. Also loved the Moo cards. What a great idea.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Activity 11.

Library activity.
Looks great for librarians but I'm not a big book reader. Will need to come back to explore this activity.

activity 10

Loved the image generator! Couldn't go past the jellymuffin site. I did create a cartoon image and added text but had trouble uploading to my blog. Tried a couple of times using the instructions given about edit Html but only a lot of text got copied. Love some advice about what I'm doing wrong.

Activity 9

Sorry! but second life is not for me!
Maybe I'm missing the point but I did persevere for a while.
Strange world that hasn't "caught on" with me.
Something I can always come back to.
Thanks but no Thanks

Activity 8

I'm welcoming myself back from a long break!
I've been out of touch for such a long time, busy! busy! busy!
But what an activity to come back to.
I loved igoogle! I love that it is my default homepage.
I've added a number of my favourite gadgets and it was so easy. It did it all for me.
The only question I have: because my computer is getting a little old does it take longer to log on if you have lots of gadgets to load. The only other complaint I have: when I log on to do work I'm distracted by the games and gadgets. I have lots of fun and cannot believe how easy it is to do update or change.